Matches 1 to 50 of 322
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19 Feb 1953 - According to the Inland Revenue, the total amount for the estate was 26,590 New Zealand pounds - | WILSON, Thomas Cogswell (P185)
2 |
1945 - Named Executor of Estate for Thomas Cogswell WILSON -
1949 - Received annual income of 520 New Zealand pounds as a result of the above estate. | CLARK, Gwendoline Challen (P297)
3 |
1945 - Named Executor of Estate for Thomas Cogswell WILSON - | GERRING, Robert Morey (P734)
4 |
1949 - Received annual income of 104 New Zealand pounds as a result of the estate of father Thomas Cogswell WILSON. | WILSON, Gwendoline Junior (P295)
5 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | WILSON, D. (P296)
6 |
1949 - Received half balance of estate of father Thomas Cogswell WILSON - | WILSON, Russell (P294)
7 |
A burial service of the body was performed. | UNKNOWN, Edna May (I112)
8 |
A death occurred yesterday of Mr. William Brown Upton, of St. Stephen’s Avenue, Parnell, at the age of 62 years. Mr. Upton, who was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Upton, was widely known in athletic circles in Auckland, particularly for the interest which he displayed in club cricket and for the liberality with which he gave trophies to encourage young players. Formerly for several years he was a keen supporter of the Ponsonby Cricket Club, and for the past 12 years had been a vice-president of the Parnell Cricket Club, of which he was also a life member. He was well known on the field, rarely missing the opportunity of witnessing a match.
Mr. Upton’s connection with the Auckland Grammar School Old Boys’ Association was a close and active one. Himself an old boy of the school, he was a life member of the association, and held office in several of the affiliated bodies, being a vice-president of the Miniature Rifle Club and of the Swimming Club. He also gave a number of swimming trophies, and took a practical interest in the Boy Scout and Cub movements. For a period he was actively interested in the cub pack attached to St. Mary’s Cathedral, of which he was a parishioner for many years. Born in Auckland, he lived in the district practically all his life, and never took an active part in business affairs.
Mr. Upton, who was a bachelor, is survived by two brothers, Mr. P. H. Upton and Mr. P. T. Upton, and two sisters, Mrs. J. M. Stevenson and Miss E. M. Upton, all of Auckland.
Source: New Zealand Herald 18 April 1934. | UPTON, William Brown (P802)
9 |
A farmer, he has served as a director of the New Zealand Co-operative Marketing Association since 1945 and as its chairman since 1953. He has also been a member of the electoral committee on the Meat and Wool Boards. | UPTON, Harold Wilson (P406)
10 |
According to 1841 Census | BINNS, Sarah (S36)
11 |
According to The Bowyer Site in Trowbridge Book written by KH Rogers, there was mentioned in the 1862 Will of James COGSWELL that he built three houses himself, including one for his own occupation between 1856 and 1862. | COGSWELL, James (P203)
12 |
According to The Bowyer Site in Trowbridge Book written by KH Rogers, there was mentioned in the 1862 Will of James COGSWELL that he built three houses himself, including one for his own occupation between 1856 and 1862. | COGSWELL, James (P203)
13 |
According to West Yorkshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812. | BLAYMIRES, John (P469)
14 |
Admitted to Lunacy Institute on 20 Jul 1872 and died a few weeks later. Number 67232. | LITHERLAND, John (P730)
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After Anthony St George WHITE's untimely death most of his former colleagues in the theatrical business were generous with their time and donations to help his family - and when one lady actress did not enter into the spirit of things her actions were well noted in the Tuapeka Times 21st November 1872.
"Poor Anthony White, well-known to Dunedin play goers as a painstaking although not too successful actor, has paid the last debt of nature in Wellington. He has for many years been before the Dunedin public, and has always won for himself friends among his fellow professionals, and those with whom he had become acquainted.
Having been in failing health for some considerable time — only in fact, able to get through his parts lately by the use of stimulants before going on the stage, his widow and children have been left but poorly off, and in connection with the subscriptions for the relief of those who have been left destitute, I may perhaps be pardoned for devoting a few lines in mentioning an instance of meanness and cold heartedness such as I should fain hope is not often met with.
Mr. White, when acting at the Princess Theatre for a long time, played in company with an actress well-known in Duned in, and for whom, as well as for the other professionals, he was kindhearted enough on more than one occasion to do little favors in the way of copying and. altering parts & c, and other things which thos e who have any knowledge of behind the scene stage matters, can well understand.
Playing nightly with him so long, it might have been supposed that Lady (who by the way, is reputed to be the possessor of cash and jewellery to the extent of two or three thousand pounds), would have had sufficient of the milk of human kindness in her heart, to assist to a moderate extent the widow who his been left destitute. But no ; for on being appealed to by Mr. Hoskins, who is endeavoring to raise funds for Mrs. White, the "charming" lady, after some searching in her pockets, produced eighteen pence ! and finally raised the donation to the munificent sum of two shillings and six-pence ! It is to be hoped that this worthy display of liberality will bear the fruit it deserves.'' | WHITE, Anthony St George (P1042)
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After her first husband drowned in December 1871, leaving her impoverished with five children (Elizabeth, Sara, Robert, Georgina, Charlotte) to care for, she married a farmer named David Creech in June 1876. This proved to be a disastrous union for her. In May 1879, she was granted a protection order against Creech, safeguarding her assets from any claim by him. In 1883 she filed for divorce:
On the 23rd October last, Kate Creech, wife of David Joseph Tomsey Creech, of Kenepuru, farmer, filed a petition in Nelson for a divorce from her husband. The ground set forth for the dissolution of the marriage is ill-treatment. The parties were married on the 27th June, 1876, at the Holy Trinity Church, Picton. Three children were born before the parties were married, but none since. The times and dates of the alleged cruelty set forth in the petition are as follows:—Near Havelock, on or about the 3rd February, 1882, while in a boat, her husband struck her several times over the arm with the tiller of the boat's rudder, and that her arm was so much injured she was unable to use it for months afterwards ; that about the 22nd May, 1882, at Kenepuru, he left her in a dangerous position on a perpendicular ladder on a wharf, and he would not assist her, or allow anyone else for a long time ; that in the same month, at Havelock, he landed her upon a beach from which she was unable to get to Havelock owing to the high tide, and compelled her to stay upon the beach alone and in great discomfort for a long time; that in or about the month of August, 1882, he compelled her to start from Kenepuru to Picton against her will, and she had to walk about eight miles on a rough sea beach to a place called Torea, when in consequence of there being no means of conveyance to Picton she had to remain out without shelter all night; that on or about the month of October, 1882, he dragged her — she being then without her bonnet or shawl — by her arm down a public street of Picton, and compelled her to go in a boat with him to Kenepuru, and whilst on the way he struck her twice violently with one of the oars of the boat; that after arrival at Kenepuru he ordered her son to take her boots away and hide them, which he did, and she was for three days without any boots; that about October, 1882, she was assaulted by him, and he rubbed a dirty fryingpan against her face, and afterwards dipped her in a creek against her will, and then poured cold water over her and wet her clothes through; that, about November, 1882, he struck her, knocking her against a window, and thereby cutting her head and causing it to bleed freely ; that about the same month he ordered her to proceed to Picton to bring her daughters, and to take them to Kenepuru. She proceeded to Picton, but has not returned to live with her husband. (Marlborough Press, Nov. 29, 1883) | MURRAY, Kate (P1319)
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Age at death - 82 years | SCADDEN, Arthur William (P1709)
18 |
Also in 1935, 1938 Electoral Roll | COGSWELL, Winifred Jessie (P220)
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Also in 1946, 1949 Electoral Roll | COGSWELL, Winifred Jessie (P220)
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An inquest into the circumstances connected with the death of Albert Wilson UPTON (P402), who was killed in a motor-car accident near Glenmmassey, was held yesterday, a verdict of accidental death being returned. The evidence adduced showed that the party left Ngaruawahia at 6pm on Saturday in a steady downpour of rain. The slope known as Mile Bush was negotiated safely, but on the brow of the hill, when deceased changed gears, the lights became very dim, and the car ran into loose earth in the darkness, skidded, and rolled over sideways about 30 feet. The three other occupants of the car escaped with severe bruises. The medical evidence showed that the deceased was killed instantly. Reference was made to the fact that the Glenmassey miners rendered every assistance possible.
Source: Auckland Star Tuesday 11 October 1921, p. 5.
| UPTON, Albert Wilson (P402)
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An old and much-respected resident of Auckland, Mrs. J. H. Upton, died at her home, St. Stephen’s Avenue, Parnell, this morning. Her health had been failing since the death of her husband in May this year. Mrs. Upton was a sister of the late Mr. W. Gorrie, a former partner of her husband. She was married in 1870 to Mr. Upton, and lived a great part of her life in Ponsonby. Mr. and Mrs. Upton joined All Saints’ Church, Ponsonby, in the days when the Rev. W. Bree was vicar. It was then a centre of the social life of that district, and both Mr. and Mrs. Upton were active workers in connection with that Church for many years. Mrs. Upton was well known in musical circles in this city, and in her earlier years she possessed a very fine voice. During the period that Mr. Upton was Mayor of Auckland, his wife was unremitting in her attention to the many activities attendant upon the position of Mayoress.
The following children survive: Mrs. J. M. Stevenson, Miss Upton, Mr. P. H. Upton, general manager of the South British Insurance Co., Mr. Parker T. Upton and Mr. William Upton.
Source: Auckland Star Monday 14 October 1929, p. 8. | GORRIE, Eleanor (P749)
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An old identity of Auckland passed away on Sunday in the person of Mr John Haverfield, who died at his late residence in Elgin Street, Grey Lynn, ath the age of 79 years. The deceased arrived in New Zealand in the ship "Pegasus" in 1855. He resided in Auckland for some time, and on the opening of the Thames goldfields, he went with his wife to Thames, returning to Auckland some years later. In the early days the late Mr Haverfield took a prominent part in the works of St Pauls Church. He is survived by Two sons and four daughters, his wife having died about two months ago. | HAVERFIELD, John (P375)
23 |
Anglican (CE) Block 08 Plot 054 No headstone or marker. The burial plot is within the unmarked grass area to the right of the tree. The plot is shared by Emily and Alice Bartlett. | SCADDEN, Emily (P1008)
24 |
ANGLICAN 203, Full Burial | BLAYMIRES, Charlotte (S34)
25 |
Anglican Block 03 Plot 071 | SCADDEN, Edith Amy (P1034)
26 |
Anglican Section, Blk. 29, Plot 013 | SCADDEN, Mary (P1014)
27 |
Area 10 Block D Lot No 231 | MCINTOSH, Eileen (P274)
28 |
Area 6, Row 3, Number 970 | HIGGINS, William Stephen (P1359)
29 |
Area: Wesleyan, Block 3, Plot 4 | SCADDEN, Eliza Hill (P1007)
30 |
As mentioned in Tony RYKEN's personal history document. | RIJKEN, Cornelius (P33)
31 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | RYKEN, T.A. (P48)
32 |
As per | MCINTOSH, Gordon (P281)
33 |
As per story from faraway48. | Family: William SCADDEN / Catherine McNie DEWAR (F19)
34 |
Ashes Collected. | EYRE, Colin Alfred (P444)
35 |
Ashes scattered in 3 different locations in New Zealand and Australia | BERNET, Paula Muriel (P4)
36 |
Auckland Star 24 May 1911 - Auckland University College School of Music Examination Results - Primary Grade Maximum 100, Honours 85, - Mildred Kemp (87) - Mr G H Hardey
Auckland Start 24 Nov 1911 - The Spring Show - Queen Cakes 6 - Miss Mildred Kemp 1st
Wairarapa Age 7 May 1918 - Navy League (Gifs Acknowledged) the Secretary of the Masterton branch of the ladies' auxiliary of the Navy League with thanks the following garments for the month of April - Miss Mildred Kemp (Kouraraua) 6 pairs of socks | KEMP, Mildred (P1533)
37 |
Bates. At her residence, Whataupoko, on the 27th February, Caroline, beloved wife of George Bates, and relict of the late Anthony St George White, aged 47 years. The funeral will leave the deceased's late residence, Whataupoko at a quarter past two o'clock to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon. Nelson and Dunedin papers please copy. Poverty Bay Herald, 27 February 1894, Page: 2 | SCADDEN, Caroline (P1013)
38 |
BB-N-091, Area 6, Row 3, Number 970 | BARY, Magdalena (P1335)
39 |
Birth year was 1770, but can't be | BOON, Hindrikjen Hindriks (P571)
40 |
Birthdate as per WWI Attestation for General Service application completed by Samuel in Jan 1917. | WILSON, Samuel Thomas Herbert (P155)
41 |
Birthplace recorded as Raglon on Marriage Record. | BELCHER, Eileen Muriel (P1669)
42 |
Block 04A, Plot type Burial, Type Of Grave Interment, Plot number 009 | MCHARDY, Phyllis Marjory (P1500)
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Block 08, Plot type Burial, Type Of Grave Interment, Plot number 053, Area Church of England/Anglican | SCADDEN, Sarah Ann (P1011)
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Block 08, Plot type Burial, Type Of Grave Interment, Plot number 053, Area Church of England/Anglican | HILL, Jemima (P310)
45 |
Block 1, Plot 5 | LITHERLAND, Lydia (P153)
46 |
Block 14, Plot type Burial, Type Of Grave Interment, Plot number 046, Area New General | CAMERON, Marion (P331)
47 |
Block 2, Plot 25 | WILSON, Harriet Jane (P187)
48 |
Block 23, Row 40, Number 657 | HOBSON, Hannah (P282)
49 |
Block 23, Row 40, Number 657 | BLAYMIRES, John (P283)
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Block 24A, Number 963A | COGSWELL, Frank (P200)